제가요~ 12 월에 군대 가는데요 .

제가요~ 12 월에 군대 가는데요 .. ㅎㅎ(퍼옴 ㅎㅎ)

.. 제가 12월에 춘천으로 군대가는데염

춘천은 장비가 열악해서 총을 사서

들어가야 된다고 옆집형이 그랬거든여

춘천훈련소 갔다오신분은 총 어디서

사야되는지 말좀 해주세염

그리고 가격은 얼마정도 하는지도여

어느 사이트에 올라온 분의 질문입니다..
아래는 그에 대한 리플이구요…ㅋㅋㅋ

[ 김두한 ]
⇒ 미치겠군… -.- 2002/10/23

[ 이걸…]
⇒ 이걸 제대로(?) 대답하면 내가 놀리게 되는건지, 내가 놀림을 당하게
되는건지… 이 단어를 안 쓸 수가 없다. 참 아햏햏하다. 2002/10/23

[ ㅋㅋㅋ ]
⇒ 진짜 웃기다… 유머 게시판으로…이동 시켜주세요…
참고로…제 생각에는 칼빈이 싸고 좋을 듯 합니다..
가까운 동사무소… 예비군 중대에 문의해보세요.. 2002/10/23

[ 난감하네 ]
⇒ 울 옆집사는 형이 전투기 유리창 닦다 깨뜨렸다고
30만원 부쳐달라는 이래 최대 유머다!!!! 2002/10/23

[위성웅 1탄]
난 장교로 입대했는데 부하를 4 – 50명 정도 모집해서 데리고 들어오라는 거야.

[위성웅 2탄]
모집 광고를 냈는데 10,000명 정도 모이더라고.

[위성웅 3탄]
다 데리고 입대했더니 국방부에서 나보고 그냥 사단장을 하라는 거야.

[위성웅 4]
그런데 부하 중에 한 사람이 월급이 얼마냐고 묻더라고,

[위성웅 5]
그래서 국방부에 사정해서 나만 겨우 입대했지.
여하튼 우리나라 국방부는 대단하다니까.

[ 허걱 ]
⇒ 걍 조용히 지갑에 앤 사진하고 돈 약간 챙겨서 들어가요….. 2002/10/23

[ ㅋㅋ ]
⇒ 총없으믄 훈련도 안받고 좋겠구만 ㅋㅋ 2002/10/23

[ 나는 ]
⇒ 공군갔다왔는데, KF-16사느라 죽는줄 알았어…. 2002/10/23

[ v ]
⇒ 전 포병이었는데 의정부로 입대할 때 견인포 노리쇠뭉치
170만원에 샀는데… 일반 보병이면 좀더 50만원선에서 해결가능한 걸루 알고
자세한건 국방부 홈페이쥐 가면 다 나와있어요.
즐거운 군생활 하시길… 2002/10/23

[ 저기 ]
⇒ 제가 잘아는 사람이 있는데 생각있으시면 리플다시오
K-2 중고 30만원에 절충 가능함..전 수류탄까지 들고 입대하란 말에
수류탄 2개,개당 9만원에 샀소.. 춘천 102보충대로.. 2002/10/23

[ 그거 ]
⇒ 보충대 문앞에 가면 다 팝니다.
흥정 잘하시고 여러군데 돌아다녀 보세요
다시 못볼 사이라고 바가지 많이 씌웁니다
가끔 실탄하고 탄창은 따로 판다는 넘들 있는데
다 같이 나오는 패키지니까 속지마세요
실탄은 5.56mm인지 꼭 확인하시구요
잘다녀 오십시요
몸 건강히 2002/10/23

[ 아헹헹 ]
⇒ 아.. 춘천훈련소 입구 좌측 중국집옆에서 K2 빌려주던데….
예비군 훈련 받을때 빌리실 생각이라면 그냥 2년2개월동안 대여하는것이 더 싸게
때로 6.25 때 쓰던 것 파는데 꼭 k-2여야만 하니까 그거 사지말고 K-2대여하세요

[ 아이린 ]
⇒ 미치겠다….웃겨서…ㅜ.ㅜ
말년병장인 앤한테 이글 보여줘야겠네여…. 2002/10/23

[ ㅋㅋㅋ ]
⇒ 저도 얼마후 입대하는데…
지금 총은 구했는데 수류탄과 탱크를 구하는 중입니다..
저는 탱크 사오라고 명령받아서…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
탱크는 어디서 팔아요? 2002/10/23

[ 개코 ]
⇒ 부대앞에서 리어카 상들이 팔긴합니다만 그거 중국산이니 왠만하면
정 급하지 않으면 구입하지마시고
대게 인터넷 공구 사이트에서 공구합니다 그거사세요.

참고로 M-16이 젤 잘맞고 연사로 갈겨도 무리없습니다.
정비도 쉽구요
K-2는 그럭저럭 쓸만한데
K-1은 탄착군도 않맞고 연사하면 총구가 하늘로 치솟습니다.

반품도 않되니 주의하시길. 2002/10/23

[ 람보 ]
⇒ 하이마트에 가보시오
총과 수류탄 요즘 세일기간이오 2002/10/23

[ ㅋㅋㅋ ]
⇒ 우리 같이 공구 합시다…m-16a2로….공구원하시는 분은 리플 달아주세요.

[ 암거래상 ]
⇒ k2 한장
m16 두장
바주카포 큰거 한장
011-98**-1828 2002/10/23

[ 무뇌아 ( – ㅈ – ) ]
⇒ 풋…어리디 어린 소년을 농락하다니
당신들 다 무효! 2002/10/23

[ 사이버수사대 ]
⇒ 여러분들을 총포 암거래 혐의로 체포하겠습니다. 2002/10/23

[ vincent ]
⇒ 난 심각하게 읽었는데-_-
당황스럽군요… 2002/10/23

[ 암거래상 ]
⇒ 서울보단 부산에서 구하는게 더 쉬울거요
신종마x도 그렇고 2002/10/23

[ 젠장…. ]
⇒ 난 해군 지원했는데 잠수함 사오라고 하네요…..
혹시 해군이거나 나오신분들중에 제대 하실때 되서 싸게 파실분은 연락해주세요.
잠수가 되지 않아도 상관없습니다. 2002/10/23

[ 컹 ]
⇒ 이거 히트네요..-_-;;; 2002/10/23

[ 진짜루.. ]
⇒ 푸하하~~너무 웃기네…유머 게시판으루 옮깁시다!!!;;; 2002/10/23

[ 투사투사카투사 ]
⇒ 전 카투사 지원했는데…영어테이프 사가지고 오라 하던데… 2002/10/23

[ 헹… ]
⇒ 쓰러지겠당…..;;; 2002/10/23

[ 19살 ]
⇒ 선배들 덕분에 어리버리하게 사기당하지 않고
싸게 사가지고 들어갈수있겠네염
해군이나 공군 안간게 천만다행이네염 2002/10/24

[ 공익근무요원 ]
⇒ 우리는 걸레를 사오라고 하는군요
어떤 상표가 좋을까요? 2002/10/24

[ 밍구 ]
⇒ 예전에 60년대만해도 남대문에서 진짜 박격포랑 총 팔았다고 하더군요.
그땐 정말 남대문가면 탱크도 구할 수 있단 말이 있었다고 하던데…이건
농담아닙니다.;; 2002/10/24

[ 밍구씨 ]
⇒ 에이 농담같은데요,.. 2002/10/24

[ 도시의기사 ]
⇒ 추천이 3개나 들어와있네요…대단하다 2002/10/24

[ ORD ]
⇒ 난 부대 병기계 출신임다.
정확한 K-2의 국가 고시 가격은
332,525원 입니다. 2002/10/24

[ 경찰 ]
⇒ 저는 의경출신인데엽….방패하고 봉을 사가야 한다는데요….. 2002/10/24

[ 지나다 ]
⇒ 뜨악~* 미티것다. 우낀당~!

[ 배성 ]
⇒ 흠..내가 아능형은..군대에서 탱크 잃어 버렸따구 하던데..알고보니 드랍싑에
커멘트 센터에 문의해봤능데..다크아콘이 빼앗아 갓때여..;; 그래서 탱크갑 150억

<위에것 읽고 반응 보인 코멘트들 …. ^^>

홍당무홍당무 : 허미 참고로 권총들고 가믄 딱인디 가볍고 행군도 수월하구요..
아놀드깜 : –일반 병들은 권총들고 가면 빼앗긴답니다.훈련끝나면 준다고
하두만..안주데여~나아쁜 넘들
정든님 : 난 군견병인데 집에서 기르던 똥개한마리 끌고 갔더니 그날 바로 된장
바르더군요 흐미^^
정든님 : 딱히 못구하셨다면 행정반 PC로 홈쇼핑 들어가서 장바구니에 담으면
wwww1111 : 청량리정신병원이조용하니입원하길빌고또빌면서….
lubu1968 : 다행으로 춘천 훈련소네 미싸일부대라면 더 힘들건데 하긴 러씨야에
미싸일도 파니깐
추락천사 : 올만에 큰소리내고 웃어봤네요……흐미….^^;;;
왕질악 : 머여? 해병은 귀신잡아가지고 가야 들어갈수 있나?
다솔 : 흠.. 정말 올만에 웃어보네여 감사합니다 ㅋㅋㅋ
77015530 : 공익은 총사오란말안하던대 현역은역시틀려
mirir : 난 기갑출신인디 전차의 정가는 287천만원입니다.속지말구
푸르미 : 포병지원하시는분들 가시는 곳포가 105mm 인지 155mm인지 꼭 확인하세요
푸르미 : 호환이 안됍니다..
닌자 : 답은 간단하오 ~ 옆집에 산다는형을 살짝 목을 비틀어 보시오 그럼 살곳을
닌자 : 어렵게 찿아 뎅기지 마시고~~
1979kg : 난 모르구 그냥입대했는데..운좋게 전역하는고참이 총이랑 방독면이랑
야삽이랑 5만원에
1979kg : 넘겨주든데…건방두봉지랑…호호호
유색무취 : PX병은 뭐 사들구 가야징? 초코파이만 사면되나?
엄지오 : 우하하하 겨우 그거야? 열악한 공군사관학교가는데 전투기 사가는
신입생도 있었다건데…
엄지오 : 항공모함이나 잠수함타는 해군되려면 거 울나라에 가능한 사람
야구방맹이 : 구방장관님께 건의 함다 우리나라도 인자 쪼금 사니께 헬기나 탱크
사면 군 면제해줍시당
딴따라 : 정말… ^^… 사람 환장하게 웃기네요… 야밤에.. 잠이 한방에 깨네..
kks : 장난하나…
뚜따 : 총기값은 걱정마시고, 얼차래를 위하여 꼭 노트에 메모 숙지하시기를
뚜따 : 참고로 얼차래는 현장실습과 함께 하시면 더더욱 효과가
동해거북 : 전 중사 제대 했습니다…군생활 5년간 애덜이 잊어버린거 메꿀라꼬
던 무지 깨졌습니다.
동해거북 : 전 다행히 보병이라 얼마 안들어 갔지만 제 동기는 수송부에서
근무했습니다. 그넘은 아직두

What “PhD” Really Stands for…

What “PhD” Really Stands for…

* P h D
* Patiently hoping for a Degree
* Piled higher and Deeper
* Professorship? hah! Dream on!
* Please hire. Desperate.
* Physiologically Deficient
* Pour him (or her) a Drink
* Philosophically Disturbed
* Probably headed for Divorce
* Pathetically hopeless Dweeb
* Probably heavily in Debt
* Parents have Doubts
* Professors had Doubts
* Pheromone Deprived
* Probably hard to Describe
* Patiently headed Downhill…
* Permanent head Damage
* Pulsating heaving Disaster?
* Pretty homely Dork
* Potential heavy Drinker
* Professional hamburger Dispenser
* Post hole Digger
* Professional hair Dresser
* Progressive heart Doctor
* Professional humidity Detector
* Piano hauling Done
* Pro at hurling Darts
* Professional hugger of Dames
* Private house Detective
* Pizza hut Driver
* Pretty heavily Depressed
* Prozac handouts Desired
* Pretty heavy Diploma
* Pathetic homeless Dreamer
* Please hold Dangerous
* Permanently held Dear
* Proudly half Dead
* Promised hell Down-the-road
* Precisely helping Deadheads
* Processed here, Dammit
* Probably heavenly Death

Qualifying Exam Questions from MIT

Qualifying Exam Questions from MIT
you think you have it tough, have a look at a pool of questions from
various disciplines on MIT’s doctoral qualifying examinations. These
are actual questions that students in the past have had to answer. They
are allowed four hours, and they have four sets of questions like these
over two days.


the history of the papacy from its origins to the present day;
concentrate especially but not exclusively on the social, political,
economic, religious, and philosophical impact on Europe, Asia, America,
and Africa. Be brief, concise, and specific.

have been provided with a razor blade, a piece of gauze, and a bottle
of Scotch. Remove your own appendix. Do not suture until your work has
been inspected.

Public Speaking
2,500 riot-crazed aborigines are storming the classroom. Calm them. You may use any ancient language except Latin or Greek.

life. Estimate the differences in subsequent human culture if this form
of life had developed 500 million years earlier, with special attention
to the probable effects on the English parliamentary system. Prove your

Write a piano concerto. Orchestrate it and perform it with flute and drum. You will find a piano under your seat.

on your knowledge of their works, evaluate the emotional stability,
degree of adjustment, and repressed frustrations of each of the
following: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Ramses II, Hammurabi. Support your
evaluation with quotations from each man’s work, making appropriate
references. It is not necessary to translate.

Estimate the sociological problems that might accompany the end of the world. Construct an experiment to test your theory.

Management Science
management. Define science. How do they relate? Why? Create a
generalized algorithm to optimize all managerial decisions. Assuming an
1130 CPU supporting 50 terminals, each terminal to activate your
algorithm, design the communications interface and all the necessary
control programs.

Develop a realistic plan for
refinancing the national debt. Trace the possible effects of your plan
in the following areas: Cubism, the Donatist controversy, the wave
theory of light. Outline a method from all points of view. Point out
the deficiencies in your point of view, as demonstrated in your answer
to the last question.

Political Science
There is a red telephone on the desk beside you. Start World War III. Report at length on its socio-political effects, if any.

Take a position for or against the truth. Prove the validity of your position.

Explain the nature of matter. Include in your answer an evaluation of the impact of the development of mathematics on science.

lead into gold. You will find a tripod and three lead tubes under your
seat. Show all work including Feynman diagrams and quantum functions
for all steps. You have fifteen minutes.

Sketch the development of human thought; estimate its significance. Compare with the development of any other kind of thought.


What every doctoral student should know

Picking a Topic – When considering a topic, test it with the following questions.
I really have an interest in the topic? This is the most fundamental
question. If you are going to devote several years of your life to “The
Role of Inductive Thinking in Kindergarten Dropouts,” you’d best have
an ardent interest in inductive thinking. And in kindergarten dropouts.
Graduate students’ interests can shift quickly. Your ability to sustain
your interest is the single most important factor in determining
whether or not you finish.

How long will it take me to finish?
Estimate the absolute maximum amount of time you can stand to remain a
student. Then figure as precisely as possible how much time it will
take you to complete the proposed project if everything goes according
to plan. Triple it.

Is this topic being forced on me?
Professors love to have their students research topics that are of no
interest to them. Look deep into your professor’s soul. Think
carefully; if you are being manipulated and don’t really have an
interest, slide out.

Is it possible to conduct this study? Every
field has fascinating questions that have never been answered because
they are impossible to answer with the available methods and
technology. Think about why other researchers haven’t attempted your
topic. If it falls into the mission impossible category, see if there
is a simpler, related problem or piece of the question you could answer
without biting off the whole thing.

Do I have the resources to
conduct the research? Don’t underestimate the expense of conducting
research both in time and money. Not to mention hassle. Students are
always unpleasantly surprised at just what it costs to have their
dissertations typed, copied, and bound. Not to mention duplicating
countless drafts, photocopying articles, postage. Do a budget.

I have the necessary background and expertise to handle my topic? If
your question is such that it will require hierarchical linear modeling
and you have a tenuous hold on the eternal mysteries of the t-test,
it’s time for self-reflection.

Is my topic timely, and is it
likely to remain so (at least in the near future)? By the time you
complete your course work and pass your orals, you may find that your
topic has lost its luster.

Can I get the faculty support I need?
No one completes a dissertation without substantial support from the
faculty. If a faculty member does not have an active interest and
expertise in your specialty, you may be in trouble. Besides not being
able to help, professors’ lack of knowledge about your project may
cause them to demand the impossible or insist on things that are
detrimental to the study. If your advisor isn’t interested in your
topic or simply doesn’t have the time for you, look around for someone
who is and does.

Does my topic have career potential? The career
potential of a topic is hard to predict. Academia is fickle. Topics to
avoid are such things as rehashing your advisor’s dissertation or
picking up topics that have recently gone out of vogue. Ask yourself if
valuable articles can be drawn from your dissertation. Remember that,
when you interview for a position, you will need to make a
presentation, and it is likely that this presentation will deal with
your dissertation.

The creation of knowledge is thine only goal; thou shalt have no other goals before it.

Thou shalt value research over teaching and publishing above all else.

Thou shalt honor theory over the practical.

Thou shalt not criticize thy chairperson’s work.

Thou shalt gratefully and humbly accept all criticism of thine own work.

Thou shalt willingly share publications produced by your dissertation with your chair.

Thy chairperson’s ideological and theoretical prejudices shall be thy prejudices.

Thou shalt not complain about poverty, family problems, or poor job prospects.

Thou shalt read the literature, memorize the literature, and cite the literature on command.

Thou shalt not break the commandments in the presence of thy chairperson.

sin of stubbornness. The irrational refusal to make any changes or
accept criticism from any source. While this may merely alienate your
fellow graduate students, it can be fatal when dealing with your
committee. Remember that professors are like the IRS; when they examine
something, they are determined to find something wrong.

sin of compliancy. This is the willingness to do anything that your
committee asks. They will then think you are immature and lack good
judgment. Or spunk. By trying to please everyone you are more likely to
alienate everyone.

The sin of comparison. This undercuts motivation and leads to counterproductive competition and sloth. Everyone can win.

The sin of procrastination. I’ll discuss this next week.

Choose professors with whom you get along personally. You will often need to rely on the compassion of committee members.

professors who have time for you and who are interested in you, in your
welfare, and in your work. Your work cannot evaluate itself. Find
people who will guide, evaluate, edit your writing, and critique your

Select professors who get along with each other. Even if they get along with you, feuding members will slow your progress.

professors who are genuinely interested in your dissertation topic and
can provide you with technical help, especially in the area of data

Choose professors who know how to balance their demand
for academic rigor with your need for patience, assistance, and

Choose professors who may be able to help you with
your career after graduation. Hard as it seems to believe, there is a
life after the dissertation.


With thanks to Richard W. Moore, who wrote the wonderful Winning the PHD Game.

One last word:

If you’re smart enough to get a PhD,
you ought to be smart enough to know how to get a PhD.

Things to Say and Do Guaranteed to Spice up Your Thesis and Dissertation Defenses

Things to Say and Do Guaranteed to Spice up Your Thesis and Dissertation Defenses

1. Begin the defense by charging a cover and checking for ID.

2. Charge a two-drink minimum.

3. Begin with “Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the singing of our National Anthem.”

Follow that with a joke that starts with “Which reminds me of a story –
A Black guy, a Chinese guy, and a Jew walked into a bar…”

5. Bring coffee and charge 25 cents a cup.

6. “Charge the mound” when a professor beans you with a high fast question.

7. Describe parts of your dissertation using interpretive dance.

8. Lead your committee members in a Wave.

9. Break the tension at appropriate moments with a sing-a-long.

10. Answer tough queries with “You call THAT a question? How’d you ever get to be a professor?”

11. Have bodyguards outside the room to discourage attendance of certain professors.

12. Present your defense using puppets.

13. Before you begin your presentation, sell T-shirts to recoup the cost of copying, binding, etc.

14.In addition, pass a collection basket.

15. Answer complex issues in mime.

16. Use the ocassion to hold a Tupperware party.

17. Have bikini-clad models in charge of changing your overheads

18. At approximately the mid-point of your defense bring out maracas and shout “Everybody rumba!!”

19. Explain nonsignificant findings with “It would have worked if it weren’t for those f*%ing kids.”

20. Refuse to answer tough questions “in protest of our government’s systematic and brutal opression of minorities.”

21. Offer door prizes and conduct a raffle.

22. Ask professors to “Please phrase your question in the form of an answer.”

23. Interrupt every 15 minutes with the announcement “And now, a word from our sponsor.”

24. Present critical parts of your defense in iambic pentameter.

25. In your announcement, inform your committee that it will be a black tie affair.

26. Hire the Goodyear Blimp to circle the building.

27. Announce to your committee that “There will be a short quiz after my presentation.”

28. Bring your pet boa.

29. Bring snacks and start a food fight.

30. Slap your committee chair with a glove and challenge him to a duel.

31. Arrange for a halftime show.

32. Bring a big foam hand that says “I’m #1.”

33. Pass out souvenier matchbooks.

34. Hang a pinata over the table and hire a strolling mariachi band.

35. Make each professor remove an item of clothing for each question asked.

36. Use a Greek Chorus to highlight important points.

37. When necessary, say “I’m sorry Professor Smith, I didn’t say ‘SIMON SAYS any questions?’. You’re out.”

38. Dress in top hat and tails.

39. Hold a pre-defense pep rally, complete with cheerleaders, pep band, and a bonfire.

40. If you sense that things are not going well, threaten to detonate a small nuclear device in the room.

41. Show slides of your last vacation.

Put your overheads on a film strip. Designate a professor to be in
charge of turning the strip when the tape recording beeps.

If members of the committee begin to argue among themselves announce:
“OK, everybody – heads down on the desk until you show me you can

44. When in trouble, begin speaking in tongues.

45. Answer every question with a question.

46. Hand out 3-D glasses.

47. Announce credits at the end. Include a “key grip” and a “best boy.”

48. Make a practice of replying, “Sure, I could answer that, but then I’d have to kill you.”

Ask a friend and conspirator to attend and ask the first question. Draw
a blank-loaded gun and “shoot” him. Have him make a great scene of
dying. Be sure to include fake blood. Turn to your committee and ask
“Other questions?”

50. Wear clown makeup, a clown wig, clown shoes, a clown nose, and nothing else.

51. Install “APPLAUSE” and “LAUGHTER” signs.

52. Use a TelePromTer

53. Alter the clocks in the room and begin your defense 15 minutes before anyone arrives.