Personal DNA

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You are an Attentive Analyst.


about you

You are an Analyst

  • Your attention to detail, confidence, sense of order, and focus on functionality combine to make you an ANALYST.

  • You are very curious about how things work, delving into the mechanics behind things.

  • Along those lines, how well something works is usually more important to you than what it looks like.

  • You find beauty and wonder mainly in concrete, functional, earthly things.

  • You are very aware of your own abilities, and you believe that you will find the best way of doing things.

  • Accordingly, problems do not intimidate you, as you believe in yourself.

  • You trust yourself to find solutions within the boundaries of your knowledge.

  • You don’t spend a lot of time imagining how things could be different—you’re well-grounded in the here-and-now.

  • It is important for you to follow a routine, and you prefer the familiar to the unknown.

  • You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a
    schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.

  • Never one to be found in chic boutiques or trendy clothing stores, you take an extremely practical approach to getting dressed.

  • If you want to be different:

  • Try to embrace the imaginative, creative part of your personality more often.

  • Try moving beyond the things that you find comfortable—open yourself up to a broader range of experiences.

  • how you relate to others

    You are Attentive

  • Because you like spending time with others, understand their feelings, and
    often know what is best for them, you are ATTENTIVE.

  • Some people are merely concerned about others, but you take action, helping
    people when you have the opportunity.

  • Although you care about others, you are hesitant to trust them to act in the
    best way on their own.

  • You don’t let your concerns with people go unnoticed: if someone has hurt your
    feelings, that person will hear about it.

  • People energize and excite you—you are able to have fun and be yourself when you’re
    around others.

  • You also learn a lot about yourself by talking things out with people, even if
    you don’t always share things that are important to you.

  • You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and you’re not hesitant to express yourself.

  • Understanding the dynamics of a situation is an important skill that you have,
    and you often intervene to clarify things for others.

  • If you want to be different:

  • You care about people, but finding the ones you can truly trust will allow you
    to get closer to them.

  • While you have strong opinions about what is right and wrong in the world, you
    risk coming across as judgmental—be sure to consider different perspectives when voicing your opinion.

  • Your Personal DNA Maps

    Here are personalDNA maps that uniquely represent your personality.
    Mouse over any part of the box or strip to learn more about the traits
    that the colors represent.

    Attentive Analyst

    To add this map to your website or blog, copy/paste this HTML into the body of a blog post or web page:

    Attentive Analyst

    To add this map to your website or blog, copy/paste this HTML into the body of a blog post or web page:

    Some sites (LiveJournal, for instance) do not allow ‘script’ tags.
    Users of those sites are welcome to the copy full HTML of their personal DNA maps

    Your Personality Chart

    »Glossary of Traits

    This chart shows thirteen personality traits.
    Each bar indicates the percentage of test takers who entered a lower value for that trait than you did.
    For example, if Confidence is at 80, that means that 80% of people entered lower values for confidence questions than you did.
    Based on a sample of 30,000 users.
    Click here to learn more about the traits.





    Trust in others





    Attention to style





    당신은 얼마나 nerd 입니까?

    인터넷에서 Nerd 정도를 알아보는 테스트가 있어서 해 보았다.

    Overall, you scored as follows:

    4% scored higher (more nerdy),
    1% scored the same, and
    95% scored lower (less nerdy).

    What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

    All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!

    나는… percentile ranking으로… 95% 가 나왔다.
    전체 사람들중 나보다 더 nerd인 삶은 4%라는 얘기다.

    그래도 다행이다… 나보다 더 nerd인 사람이 4%는 된다는 얘기니…

    Recommendation Letter

    Bob Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be found
    hard at work in his cubicle. Bob works independently, without
    wasting company time talking to colleagues. Bob never
    thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and he always
    finishes given assignments on time. Often Bob takes extended
    measures to complete his work, sometimes skipping coffee
    breaks. Bob is a dedicated individual who has absolutely no
    vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound
    knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Bob can be
    classed as a high-caliber employee, the type which cannot be
    dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Bob be
    promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be
    sent away as soon as possible. Sincerely, –Project Leader
    The following Memo was soon sent following “The Letter”

    That stupid dolt was reading over my shoulder when I wrote the
    report sent to you earlier today. Kindly read every second line
    (i.e.. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ..) for my true assessment of him.
    Regards, Derek Crabb Project Leader

    A Dictionary of Useful Research Phrase

    A Dictionary of Useful Research Phrases

    Research Phrase


    It has long been known…

    I didn’t look up the original reference.

    A definite trend is evident…

    These data are are practically meaningless.

    Of great theoretical and practical importance…

    Interesting to me.

    While it has not been possible to provide definite answers to these questions…

    An unsuccessful experiment, but I still hope to get it published.

    Three of the samples were chosen for detailed study…

    The results of the others didn’t make any sense.

    Typical results are shown…

    The best results are shown.

    These results will be shown in a subsequent report…

    I might get around to this sometime if I’m pushed.

    The most reliable results are those obtained by Jones…

    He was my graduate assistant.

    It is believed that…

    I think.

    It is generally believed that…

    A couple of other people think so too.

    It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding of the phenomenon occurs…

    I don’t understand it.

    Correct within an order of magnitude…


    It is hoped that this study will stimulate further investigation in this field…

    This is a lousy paper, but so are all the others on this miserable topic.

    Thanks are due to Joe Blotz for assistance with the experiment and to George Frink for valuable discussions…

    Blotz did the work and Frink explained to me what it meant.

    A careful analysis of obtainable data…

    Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass of beer.


    멕시코 어부와 하버드 MBA

    한 보트가 작은 멕시코 마을에 도착했습니다. 미국인 관광객은
    멕시코 어부가 잡은 물고기를 보고 감탄했습니다.

    “그거 잡는데 얼마나 걸렸나요?” .

    그러자 멕시코 어부왈, “별루 오래걸리진 않았어요”

    “왜 좀더 시간을 들여 잡지 않아요? 더 많이 잡을 수
    있을텐데..” 그 미국인이 물었습니다.

    멕시코 어부는 적은 물고기로도 자기와 자신의 가족들에는
    충분하다고 했습니다.
    미국인 왈, “그럼 남은 시간에는 뭐하세요?”

    “늦잠자고, 낚시질 잠깐하고, 애들이랑 놀고, 마누라하고
    낮잠자고…밤에는 마을에 가서 친구넘들이랑 술한잔 합니다.
    기타치고 노래하고…아주 바쁘지요…”

    미국인 그의 말을 막았다.
    “나는 하바드에서 MBA를 한
    사람으로서 당신을 도울수 있어요!
    당신은 매일 좀더 많은 시간을 들여 낚시질을 해야 합니다.
    그러면 더 많은 물고기를 잡을 수 있을거예요.
    더 많은 수입이 생기고 더 큰 보트를 살 수 있겠죠.
    더 큰 보트는 더 많은 돈을 벌게 하지요.
    그러면 두번째, 세번째 보트를 살수있게 되고, 어업회사를 세울 수 있니다.
    중간상과 씨름할 필요없이 제조공장(물고기)과 직접 거래할 수 있게 되요,
    어쩌면 당신의 제조공장을 갖게 될수도 있지요.
    당신은 이 조금만 마을을 떠나서 멕시코 시티나 로스앤젤레스,
    혹은 뉴욕으로 이사할 수 있다구요!”

    “그렇게 되는데 얼마나 걸리죠”

    “20년..아니 25년 정도요”

    ” 그 다음에는요?”

    “그 다음? 그 다음에는 신나는 일이 있죠”

    그렇게 말하고 미국인은 웃었습니다.

    “당신 사업이 진짜로 커졌을때는 주식을 팔아서 백만장자가 되는 거예!!!!!”
    백만장자요? 그 다음에는요?”
    “그 다음에는 은퇴해서, 바닷가가 있는 작은 마을에 살면서,
    잠자고 아이들이랑 놀고, 낚시질로 소일하고,
    낮잠자고…그리고 남는시간에 술마시고 친구들이랑 노는거죠!”

    What the Professor Says vs. What the Professr Means

    What the Professor says.

    What the Professor means.
    Tell me what you like to be called. Who are you?
    How do you spell your name? Who are you?
    Please follow these guidelines and you’ll do fine in this class. Don’t cross me you maggots.
    We will be using one of the leading textbooks in the field. We will be using my textbook.
    The gist of the theoretical framework is what’s most important. I don’t understand the details either.
    Most scholars believe that . . . I believe that . . .
    Ask me that question in another way. Try being coherent this time.
    There are no stupid questions. But there are stupid students.
    You’ll have to see me during office hours for analysis of that issue. I don’t have a clue.
    That issue is beyond the scope of this class. I really don’t have a clue.
    Today we are going to discuss a critical research topic. Today we are going to discuss one of my articles.
    Unfortunately, we don’t have the time to study all the scholars who have made contributions in this area. We will not be covering the work of people whose ideas differ from mine.
    We can continue this discussion at another time. This has nothing to do with anything you moron.
    We can continue this discussion at another time. Ok, you win.
    We can continue this discussion at another time. I have nothing else to say about this topic.
    Today we’ll let a member of the class lead the discussion. I was busy revising an article and didn’t prepare for class.
    What did Piaget say on this point? Did anyone do the assigned reading?
    That’s an interesting point of view. What incredible nonsense.
    You think so? I don’t.
    The implications of this study are clear I don’t know what it means either, but there’ll be a question about it on the test.
    The test will be primarily multiple choice questions. The test will be 60 multiple choice questions, 30 true-false items, 15 fill-in-the blanks, 10 short-answer, and three essays.
    Keep in mind that this was a challenging exam No one scored above a C-.
    The test scores were a little below my expectations. No one is going to accuse me of grade inflation this term.
    I’ll certainly give that some consideration. Not a chance.
    I’m sorry about your grandmother. Wait till you see the make-up exam.
    Any further questions? I’m ready to go.
    It’s been very rewarding to teach this class. I hope they find someone else to teach it next term.
    You should probably get a reference letter from someone who’s had you in more than one class. Who are you?